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Old 05-09-2007   #212

Join Date: May 2007
Location: Indiana
Posts: 85
Re: Whatsup From Slowboy??!!!

Mike, I am not condoning anything that Brent has done, but like was said there are 2 sides to every story. I personally do not like men that hit women. As long as there is no provokation. There are some instances that if a woman gets hit, it may or may not be justified. Some woman can be downright dirty in how they deal with men. They know that the man is the one that's gonna take the most heat for hitting them so they provoke them to the point that it would take a tibetan monk not to raise a hand. That article doesn't prove anything about his character. I've met Brent only a few times and I will not say that he is the greatest person alive because I just don't know him. But I won't say he's an asshole either. If it was proved that he did it and was convicted, then yes he deserves to be labled as such. But if there is no conviction and no evidence to prove it, then he is innocent until proven guilty.
It happened in my brothers house - my GM Jay Copenhaver and former employee Jon Nye were there when it happened. I do not care WHO YOU ARE - you do not hit a woman - under any circumstance - PERIOD.

His entire basement was trashed, holes in the wall, bottles broken in the wall, blood everywhere (not his). You have to be freaking kidding me - and I screwed Brent to huh? He screwed himself.

As for the rest of your email - I am only on through X games for Rally - we may do a rally in Jamaica in late August and another in December.

STPR kicked our but last year - first stage

Mike Huml
SBR Inc.
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