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turbotalon1g 10-21-2010 09:18 AM

Re: Big Brown's Automagic - The last episode in my DSM story.
When to do a little tuning last night, found some unwanted bugs.

My WB likes to randomly shit out I'm thinking due to voltage issues because of the error it is giving, but it doesn't make sense.

Tuning wise, I have no MBC and the cutout causes creep up to 17-19psi and for some reason on pump/92 oct with 950s and a evo9 fuel pump it just won't keep up.
Today I am going to boost leak test and swap in a 255 and see what happens and I'm gonna check into this dumb WB issue.

Oh windshield is getting replaced in a couple of hours, :woot:

Goat Blower 10-21-2010 10:12 AM

Re: Big Brown's Automagic - The last episode in my DSM story.
Watch out for mice in the tank.

turbotalon1g 10-24-2010 01:44 AM

Re: Big Brown's Automagic - The last episode in my DSM story.
To wrap on a long week, the car runs great tuned it tonight.
The car needs a ISC badly, but I still tried to get it ready for the track tomorrow.

Well the trans is not at full pressure yet and it will not shift into 3rd.
I want to say thanks to everyone that helped me out this week, I'm gonna pay a visit to a local and see what we can do with this trans.

turbotalon1g 10-31-2010 09:12 PM

Re: Big Brown's Automagic - The last episode in my DSM story.
wow, I can't believe teh last post was a week ago, seems like a month with all the fun I've been having.

I found another ISC around my garage that seems to work for the most part.

I spent 2 nights running down to Savage to have blkrosenova socket my TCU, went to see Jrohner today for some TCU programming action and the TCU was running in limp mode (stuck in 3rd). great right.

This was to wrap up my week of 2, thats right 2 failing Innovate LC1 widebands, I'm gonna have munchgsx stop by and check out my install because I can't believe its teh WB, the first one was bad it was off 2 volts.

Tomorrow I will try to put a bigger ground wire to my power distribution box to see if that helps this issues because I know the LC1 is very picky about grounds.

I'm determined to get this car solid, meaning a good tune and running and driving great before I have to put it away, no matter how many hurdles keep coming up.

I had the double sided tape on the doors removed and the car looks a lot better, hopefully sometime this week I will wash the car and wax it for the first time since owning the car, which reminds me of some good news, I received the title for the car so its officially mine which I hope means we will get along a lot better now.

Constant_Project21 11-01-2010 09:37 AM

Re: Big Brown's Automagic - The last episode in my DSM story.
I feel the need to experience some automagic...nick never offers to give me a ride in his :(

turbotalon1g 11-18-2010 06:54 PM

Re: Big Brown's Automagic - The last episode in my DSM story.
So, shitty update time.

LC1 in extended bung failed again, it was nice to drive the car on some back roads that are salt free.

TCU still doesn't work.

So now i have to send in teh complete LC1 which means uninstalling it again and the TCU I'll probably send in to the Link guys and get checked out.

All in all an utter fail for my last update for a while, this put me in the mood to not spend a damn penny on this thing until I'm working full time.

So basically I'm gonna put her in winter mode (4 jackstands high as I can), pull the wideband, and hopefully not touch it for a while.

When I do get a new heater that doesn't give me carbon mono poisoning I'll probably fix all the leaks I can, and kinda go from there I'd like to replace the LC1 I'm sick and tired of it.

Brown out.

DoughtCom 11-18-2010 06:58 PM

Re: Big Brown's Automagic - The last episode in my DSM story.
Sorry to hear that man, if you want/need help this winter with anything I would love to lend a hand.

twack 11-18-2010 07:18 PM

Re: Big Brown's Automagic - The last episode in my DSM story.
you could make a super cheap shift box and your trans will shift into all gears and you dont need the tcu in the car

turbotalon1g 11-19-2010 07:16 AM

Re: Big Brown's Automagic - The last episode in my DSM story.
I just have other goals in mind and with me finally starting to work I have stuff to concentrate on both time and money wise.

I'm also tired of products not working as they should.

Murlo26 11-19-2010 09:48 AM

Re: Big Brown's Automagic - The last episode in my DSM story.
Install error perhaps? Not to say you don't know what your doing, maybe you have a bad ground or an intermittent short that is killing them. I find it hard to believe you would have problems with multiple units.

turbotalon1g 11-19-2010 05:17 PM

Re: Big Brown's Automagic - The last episode in my DSM story.
^Trust me I would love for that, but I have a steady 14V at idle, their tech says its good, lowest it got was mid 13s during a pull and they said still good.

Its weird, but a lot of people on their forums say to backdate the firmware so it logs slower and then you won't have it locking up because it trys to log to fast and the change is too fast which causes it to overload.

I mentioned this to their tech and he said they are dumb, of course the forums say the tech is dumb.

Either way I'm not happy about it, but I think I might try and backdate the firmware so i don't have to rip this bitch out again.

carltalon 11-19-2010 06:09 PM

Re: Big Brown's Automagic - The last episode in my DSM story.
you should bee able to setup how fast it logs If I remember right

turbotalon1g 11-19-2010 06:11 PM

Re: Big Brown's Automagic - The last episode in my DSM story.
^You are right, but everyone says the fix is in the firmware. I'm surprised that they want me to pay for it to go back, I thought their RMA request would of been them sending me a box, so I def. want to mess with the software type stuff first before going thru that work .

jrohner 11-19-2010 11:59 PM

Re: Big Brown's Automagic - The last episode in my DSM story.
Did you try put the old firmware on your LC1? The newer firmware sucks IMO.

blackrosenova400 11-20-2010 01:12 AM

Re: Big Brown's Automagic - The last episode in my DSM story.
Im sorry your tcu doesnt work. I dont know what happened. When I pulled your socket out for the second time some board traces pulled from the board. Regardless I took a picture of the board with the zif socket removed so I could check each pin with a meter, after the zif is soldered back in. Soldered the socket back in and used small wires to fix the traces that had been pulled. It looks like crap now but nothing else I could do. I checked each and every pin on both sides and found no problems. I also checked for shorts at each pin, found no problem.

Halon 11-28-2010 05:21 PM

Re: Big Brown's Automagic - The last episode in my DSM story.
I'm looking at WB's to purchase, and was looking at the Innovate. I think after your experience here, I'm going to get a different one.

turbotalon1g 11-28-2010 05:29 PM

Re: Big Brown's Automagic - The last episode in my DSM story.
I don't want to scare people away from it, I like the fact that you can calibrate it. I need to pull it out of my car and send it in, hopefully innovate will be able to shed some light or give me some kind of deal.

turbotalon1g 12-06-2010 02:37 PM

Re: Big Brown's Automagic - The last episode in my DSM story.
I finally got a heater and pulled the wideband out, I will be sending it today, hopefully I get it back soon.

I really want this car done and I get waves of spring fever seeing other peoples cars and people asking me about my car, but to be honest I don't want to spend 1 penny on the thing. I think I might do a classic brownman and pull it apart to the point where it needs money because I know if i left it as is, I won't be happy driving it knowing it needs work and I probably shouldn't drive it until I do put some money into it.

munchgsx 12-06-2010 03:28 PM

Re: Big Brown's Automagic - The last episode in my DSM story.
Spring is a long way away. You can ride with me this year, I think I owe you some rides. Just kidding it will work out. :crapper:

turbotalon1g 12-06-2010 04:27 PM

Re: Big Brown's Automagic - The last episode in my DSM story.
^I like the edit, u remembered you have a wife now? lol

We will see what happens once I hear back from Innovate, if the unit is defective I'll be mad, if its a fault on my end and the unit it fine I'll be selling it and going with a NGK or other trusty unit.

They should have it early next week.

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