View Full Version : Painting Rims

11-22-2003, 12:15 AM
Tomorrow i finally have a day off and i am going to fix my pitted rims. I had looked on the how to "de-pit" but i would like to know what kind of paint will be good and last long on my rims. Any special techniquies??

J-ME :bounce:

11-22-2003, 02:04 AM
Don't paint unless your gonna sand, primer, paint, and clear coat the right way. Be preparred to spend a shit load of time doing it that way for a good finish. I would suggest powdercoting your rims for a new finish.

A//// Guy
11-22-2003, 12:22 PM
Make sure you put a clear coat over if your gonna repaint... I would just wait to buy some rims... and keep those for winter.

And yea sand prime, and paint (lots of coats), and then clearcoat.