View Full Version : What political ideals do you support?

06-21-2010, 12:58 PM
Yes, I'm sure the topic in this thread can provoke some serious flaming and attitudes. BUT I WILL NOT ALLOW IT TO GET OUT OF HAND. If you can't have an honest, open discussion without your panties getting all wadded up, don't post. Inflammatory or personal attacks will result in your post being deleted and you possibly being banned.

What I would like to see is what every body's mindset is and why you feel the way you do.

Here's my stance:

I'm an independent with no party affiliation, fiscal conservative, slightly right of center. I believe in the strengths of the individual to do for them self, instead of everybody being forced to do for them. I don't think money should be taken from those with the will to do great things and given to those who wish to sit around complaining about it.

We have to remember that equal opportunity does not mean equal success. It's time to stop picking winners and losers. Let the free market work itself out, instead of trying to manipulate it.

I believe in the wisdom of the US Constitution and wished we actually adhered to it.

How many people here actually understand that the US Constitution was written to protect you, the individual, from over reaching forms of government? To stop tyranny before it ever starts? To stop you from being taxed to death? It's obvious our current government doesn't know how to spend your money wisely. Yet they want more of it. They are slowly getting control of you, the individual, through mandates, taxation, regulation, etc. The reason why we became a stand alone country was because of these same things being put on us by a ruling body.

There is a reason why the US Constitution guarantees you the right to bare arms, it's because the founders knew that the individual needed the ability to defend themselves. Not from each other, but from an over reaching government. Ever wonder why no other country has tried to invade our soil? It's because we are an armed population. But having said that, if you commit a crime against another citizen with a gun, you should completely loose that right until the day you die.

I do believe we should help those who can't help them selves. Handicapped, injured, unable to work, etc deserve what ever help they can get. But I don't think those who can work, but refuse to, should get a dime of my or your money.

I believe that anybody who lives below the poverty line should get free health care. And they do already. But I don't agree with the current Health care bill because it's a joke once you get into it.

On immigration, I believe that anybody who wants to make a better life for themselves should be allowed to, as long as they follow our laws and do it through the system like they should. That means coming through the front door, not the back door.

Seems to me that this is becoming the norm of Liberal economics:
If it moves, tax it!
If it still moves regulate it!
If it stops moving, subsidize it!

Where do you stand?