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Rankings for Kevin90GSX
Game Score Rank Times Played High Score Age
100m Running 25 8 out of 43 168 6129 Days 01:50:15
12 Babes of Christmas 14534 17 out of 85 384 6131 Days 18:59:53
123 GO 140622 1 out of 30 149 6575 Days 06:18:50
1992 1115 19 out of 24 188 4702 Days 07:05:58
24 Hours Rally 5300 19 out of 28 136 6607 Days 01:02:04
3 Wheeled Death Ride 1670 2 out of 29 254 6490 Days 09:18:21
30k Starfighter 36850 10 out of 18 129 6194 Days 04:52:33
3D Championship Golf 1053 2 out of 14 193 5999 Days 06:24:14
3D Pacman white house edition 1200 11 out of 21 89 6517 Days 18:58:43
3D Racing - Track 1 2846760 6 out of 14 118 6583 Days 07:37:24
3D Racing - Track 2 N/A N/A 72 6607 Days 01:52:27
3D Racing - Track 3 N/A N/A 43 6583 Days 10:13:32
4 Wheel Madness N/A 38 out of 41 600 6305 Days 22:47:30
5 Reel Slots N/A N/A 147 6597 Days 13:34:58
9-Ball 1450 5 out of 24 1104 5893 Days 10:51:24
A-Blast 24400 10 out of 29 117 6561 Days 01:29:15
ABC wordgame N/A N/A 87 6380 Days 10:41:24
Ace Blackjack 6400 2 out of 13 143 4710 Days 20:49:06
Addiction Solitaire 48 2 out of 12 215 6565 Days 01:51:08
Aggressive Alpine Skiing 19189 4 out of 26 532 6331 Days 37:38
Air Hockey 3025 12 out of 14 129 6594 Days 03:27:28
Air Shooter 107 1 out of 22 235 6596 Days 02:01:52
Air War 4100 1 out of 45 175 6598 Days 21:07:37
Airport 13824 1 out of 33 293 6359 Days 02:46:36
Albatross Overload (Yeti 4) 4440 3 out of 46 937 5847 Days 04:55:12
Alias 3 35525 5 out of 12 83 6603 Days 01:32:12
All Hallows Eve N/A 17 out of 27 138 6408 Days 18:52:21
Alpha Force 1285800 3 out of 11 115 6585 Days 03:38:12
AMG Drift Competition 1367 2 out of 108 572 5245 Days 08:45:08
Ammunition Mission N/A N/A 31 N/A
Anti Aircraft Gun 17100 1 out of 22 88 6562 Days 01:50:58
Art of War 21990 8 out of 11 48 6451 Days 09:05:04
Art Thief 155600 1 out of 19 91 6599 Days 05:30:01
Ass Hunter 540 31 out of 54 191 6595 Days 02:32:23
Asteroid Miner 2210 3 out of 15 186 5124 Days 03:29:13
Asteroid Rain 17000 1 out of 9 42 6550 Days 22:17:34
Asteroids 8860 20 out of 29 226 6107 Days 05:20:51
Asteroids 2000 N/A N/A 26 N/A
Asteroids Revenge 1970 1 out of 15 345 6564 Days 09:29:51
Attack by Night2 3165 1 out of 19 83 6579 Days 21:58:05
ATV Winter Challenge 159100 2 out of 20 127 6575 Days 18:44:39
Avatar - Four Nation Tournament N/A N/A 51 N/A
Aygo Driving 7108 4 out of 16 74 6438 Days 03:25:18
Backyard Shootout 84634 2 out of 33 167 6560 Days 05:42:38
Balance 23940 5 out of 39 113 6496 Days 03:01:12
Ball Breaker 7080 1 out of 27 202 6595 Days 17:13:29
Basil Brush Gobbler 7178 3 out of 7 77 6515 Days 07:11:06
Basketball Shoot-out 27 3 out of 51 911 6557 Days 15:37:34
Battle Bots 48456 1 out of 13 59 6586 Days 02:12:27
Battle Pong 600 3 out of 24 158 6558 Days 01:42:23
Battle Snake 22 2 out of 11 49 6590 Days 01:28:58
BattleField 2 N/A N/A 42 N/A
Beach Squirter 9800 26 out of 34 108 5961 Days 01:51:15
Beanie Pacman 17070 7 out of 11 48 4574 Days 03:29:15
Become the 16-Bit Wizard N/A N/A 59 6595 Days 04:14:14
Beer Addict 70 2 out of 22 140 6423 Days 10:28:11
Beer Dude 2 2497 5 out of 13 112 6179 Days 04:20:00
Bejeweled 6333 2 out of 58 1826 6174 Days 19:55:03
Belter 136108 6 out of 11 42 6554 Days 04:43:36
BetHiLow Streak Un-Censored 39 8 out of 18 161 6223 Days 02:15:46
Bezerk 4350 1 out of 7 52 6552 Days 01:38:37
Big head boy N/A N/A 27 N/A
Bike Mania 328 17 out of 20 143 5108 Days 06:05:32
Bike Mania on ICE 779 17 out of 21 144 6359 Days 01:43:47
Bike Stunts 244147 1 out of 15 141 6562 Days 08:42:06
Billards N/A N/A 1701 4696 Days 17:07:45
Blackjack 57000 5 out of 17 204 4255 Days 01:56:54
BlackJack 2 7500 4 out of 16 213 4231 Days 03:26:36
Blasterman 9410 4 out of 6 75 6586 Days 20:04:24
Bloody Pingu 9953 21 out of 61 1346 6575 Days 18:06:24
Bloody Rage 444 6 out of 10 35 6513 Days 18:25:41
Bloody Seal Bounce N/A N/A 160 6604 Days 06:57
BMW Driving 30000 12 out of 29 97 6432 Days 03:31:25
BMX Ramp 5400 8 out of 11 79 6183 Days 01:57:18
BMX Stunts 5830 5 out of 11 81 6143 Days 10:26:44
Bomb Bandits 1462 1 out of 13 91 6587 Days 02:37:58
Bomb Jack 44000 10 out of 12 41 6423 Days 09:26:58
Border 2 7620 1 out of 12 53 6586 Days 21:08:41
Bowling 166 8 out of 30 541 5881 Days 03:40:59
Bowling Master 144 7 out of 11 173 5878 Days 02:02:31
Boxing N/A 11 out of 14 41 6365 Days 22:10:44
Brain Force 144500 1 out of 13 53 6232 Days 02:24:28
Brave The Bar 31 2 out of 11 218 6513 Days 18:41:05
Breakit 337500 3 out of 11 81 6463 Days 11:18:28
Breakout 10660 4 out of 12 60 6535 Days 23:10:07
Breakout 360 3719 2 out of 11 58 6586 Days 08:01:16
Breakout by 2dplay 9165 1 out of 11 40 6408 Days 21:36:13
Brick wall 2525 2 out of 8 42 6575 Days 03:29:54
Bubble Bobble 7680 2 out of 7 76 6564 Days 18:07:59
Bubble Bobble The Rival 56490 2 out of 8 58 6575 Days 14:25:24
Bubble Shooter 114700 12 out of 51 1866 6009 Days 22:28:36
Bumper Cars Championship 2604 3 out of 24 303 6236 Days 01:39:47
call of duty N/A N/A 37 N/A
Cantankerous Tank 13805 3 out of 9 31 6370 Days 10:29:58
Captain Usa 4525 2 out of 11 119 6465 Days 23:16:16
Car Park Chaos 540 2 out of 11 152 6587 Days 06:15:09
Carmageddon 357 1 out of 9 90 6582 Days 02:40:07
Castle Defend N/A N/A 40 6572 Days 03:40:09
Castlevania 10860 1 out of 5 25 6564 Days 05:32:37
Cat Baseball 1740 2 out of 11 127 6545 Days 18:46:06
Centipede N/A N/A 23 N/A
Centipede Classic 75190 1 out of 10 67 6586 Days 04:58:11
Chairlift Challenge 3600 1 out of 11 51 6585 Days 20:42:23
Checkers 59000 21 out of 27 169 6605 Days 04:12:39
Chinese Checkers 30 9 out of 13 65 6089 Days 06:12:06
City Racers 26359 5 out of 10 79 6586 Days 02:32:41
Classic Frogger 5210 2 out of 8 44 5887 Days 14:49:31
Cone Crazy 710 1 out of 19 147 6590 Days 11:20:04
Conquer Antartica 4600 7 out of 14 107 6039 Days 01:19:55
Contra 8700 3 out of 5 27 6599 Days 16:13:55
Courier Combat 17900 1 out of 9 24 6578 Days 19:47:36
Crash Test Danny 6611 8 out of 20 111 6600 Days 23:01:28
Crazy 7s 11680 2 out of 10 351 6481 Days 04:35:25
Cribbage Square 67 6 out of 11 93 6377 Days 04:09:08
Danger Wheels 27000 4 out of 9 47 6587 Days 19:06:43
Dare Devil 130200 1 out of 9 105 6560 Days 20:06:35
Dare Level 95 1 out of 13 153 6586 Days 08:56:35
DBZ BreakOut 85010 1 out of 9 102 6550 Days 21:36:09
Deal or No Deal 1000000 1 out of 22 182 6603 Days 10:24:00
Defend Your Castle 36580 2 out of 4 35 6582 Days 01:09:48
Demonic Defence 3 11601 4 out of 8 30 6564 Days 04:33:52
Dirt Crusher N/A N/A 315 N/A
Domino 235 5 out of 12 69 6392 Days 06:52:19
Donkey Kong 25 1 out of 15 58 6572 Days 07:39:29
Donkey Kong 6600 4 out of 12 57 5802 Days 19:04:07
Drag Race 9960 4 out of 57 478 6582 Days 08:46:49
Drifting N/A N/A 108 6585 Days 02:14:01
Drifting 2 -30816 2 out of 5 57 6449 Days 08:53:41
Drive and Dodge 406 3 out of 9 156 6418 Days 12:13:47
Drive By Shooting 8567 13 out of 27 50 6473 Days 16:41
DTunnel 378 2 out of 13 152 6578 Days 18:34:17
Duck Hunt Dog Kill 4000 1 out of 8 54 6572 Days 07:55:47
Duck Hunter 80 2 out of 18 119 6128 Days 02:17:08
Dune Bashing In Dubai 341 9 out of 43 801 6562 Days 20:11:38
Dunk Hunt 82500 2 out of 16 130 6401 Days 52:40
Dynasty Street Survival N/A N/A 48 N/A
Elite Mahjong 19020 5 out of 9 89 6156 Days 07:18:10
Evangelion 7960 1 out of 4 30 6410 Days 09:01:18
Extreme Racing 11065 2 out of 9 163 6562 Days 06:15:06
Extreme Rowing 760 1 out of 5 190 6561 Days 02:09:31
Fast n Furious 27 1 out of 21 150 6584 Days 12:54:14
Field Goal FootBall 1250 5 out of 11 127 5898 Days 03:37:54
Fight Man 65000 6 out of 21 84 6353 Days 23:03:11
Final Test 227 1 out of 6 44 6563 Days 23:04:17
Formula Fun 14710 1 out of 11 52 6584 Days 10:56:49
Freaky Football 1122 3 out of 14 108 6561 Days 03:09:32
Frogger 275 3 out of 16 90 6585 Days 02:10
From Start To Finish 95739 2 out of 13 59 6540 Days 02:34:56
Garage Door Tennis(Newest Version) 14 9 out of 101 3364 6194 Days 04:03:02
Gauntlet 2 7520 4 out of 6 64 4680 Days 17:29:32
Get A Grip 74 7 out of 12 54 6600 Days 04:06:29
Go Johnny Go 978 5 out of 21 177 6398 Days 18:02:57
Goosehead Racing N/A N/A 67 6390 Days 33:29
Great Mahjong: Classic 218 6 out of 8 90 6600 Days 21:46:51
GTA 49 2 out of 102 335 5799 Days 21:09:54
Hammer Throw 2390 1 out of 12 101 6409 Days 03:33:11
Herculympics 6582 2 out of 9 31 6039 Days 39:49
Hexxagon 31 5 out of 11 94 6606 Days 08:56
Highway Hunter 18450 1 out of 12 62 6588 Days 17:24:43
Highway Patrol 17000 1 out of 116 251 6571 Days 19:16:46
Himalayaya - Yeti Strikes Back 4025 1 out of 13 128 6569 Days 02:40:10
Hot Rocks 38590 1 out of 7 27 6592 Days 21:18:58
Hungry Hungry Mario 1346 1 out of 15 89 6560 Days 22:39
Hybrid Fighter 21250 5 out of 7 21 6037 Days 21:49:47
IK 10900 1 out of 7 42 6409 Days 02:58:37
Javelin 322 2 out of 33 659 6583 Days 10:45:18
JetPac 17500 1 out of 11 79 6588 Days 23:56:14
Joust 15000 1 out of 5 71 6460 Days 22:11:31
K Tire Racing 895966 6 out of 17 149 5404 Days 19:15:23
Knugg rally 6350 6 out of 10 51 5912 Days 23:11:25
Kong v/s New York 22 9 out of 9 28 6594 Days 17:16
League Bowling 165 4 out of 17 104 6318 Days 02:01:14
Legend of Zelda - Can of Whoop Ass . 1950 2 out of 10 118 6561 Days 01:14:29
Long Jump 39 1 out of 9 75 6600 Days 01:57:39
Looney Tunes Mahjong 6706 6 out of 10 121 6160 Days 01:07:06
Luigis Day N/A N/A 17 N/A
Luigis Mansion 12400 3 out of 8 66 5865 Days 17:41:32
Luigis Revenge Interactive 6250 1 out of 11 92 6553 Days 16:09:39
Mah Jongg Solitaire 12009 11 out of 20 1375 6573 Days 21:38:13
Mah-Jong Connect 1696 4 out of 14 118 6600 Days 13:08:52
Mahjong Connect 5815 2 out of 37 8090 5109 Days 03:01:28
Mario hardcore N/A N/A 41 N/A
Mario Kart Extreme! 3075 2 out of 16 62 6536 Days 22:06:10
Mario Tetris 2 53877 3 out of 13 122 5532 Days 08:45:50
Mario Tetris 3 47629 2 out of 6 35 6153 Days 21:31
Master Breakout 5995 7 out of 8 28 6413 Days 04:33:03
Mastermind 104892 1 out of 18 159 6596 Days 11:12:31
Megaman 86200 1 out of 6 37 6572 Days 08:56:58
Mine Sweeper N/A N/A 44 6193 Days 04:10:22
Mine Sweeper N/A N/A 39 6160 Days 01:38:34
Missile Game 3D HS N/A N/A 216 N/A
Moon Lander 2953 1 out of 12 50 6593 Days 18:52:05
Moon Lander 1000 6 out of 19 59 6605 Days 17:39:40
Moon Patrol 23750 3 out of 9 43 4724 Days 05:47:28
Mountain Bike N/A 12 out of 16 72 6290 Days 22:05:18
Ms Pacman N/A N/A 233 3721 Days 01:51:21
MuMu 468 2 out of 28 330 6184 Days 04:26:59
NightTime Driving 6855400 1 out of 9 29 6585 Days 14:07:47
Offroad Trophy 3560 1 out of 11 44 6580 Days 01:33:11
Pac Pong 16120 1 out of 6 26 6594 Days 04:45:07
Pacman 3440 59 out of 67 2501 6426 Days 08:18:08
PacMan Jungle Adventure 4560 3 out of 5 62 6566 Days 17:33:02
Pacmania 3 38850 3 out of 4 28 6574 Days 15:42:23
PacXon 21909 3 out of 6 37 6413 Days 23:03:56
Pang 2004 9200 1 out of 10 70 6586 Days 10:18:13
Parking Battle of the sexes 436 1 out of 19 173 6537 Days 09:43:04
Penguin Shot 429 31 out of 53 620 4713 Days 06:57:45
Pepsi Jet Ski 4292 1 out of 38 231 6558 Days 02:36
Pinball Smash Up 38593 5 out of 10 87 6588 Days 20:43:59
Pingu Sports! 370 1 out of 13 121 6591 Days 12:01:15
Pit Stop Challenge 87829 2 out of 24 205 6606 Days 05:53:23
Pyramid Solitaire N/A N/A 66 5905 Days 08:03:15
Q*Bert 2004 10625 7 out of 7 64 6541 Days 19:07:55
Radioactive Snakes From Mars 37100 2 out of 8 52 6572 Days 07:03:37
Red and Blue 381 1 out of 42 201 6592 Days 18:36:51
Red Rampage 4150 1 out of 8 38 6381 Days 03:50:10
Rivercity Ransom N/A N/A 22 N/A
Shadow The Hedgehog 1329 1 out of 6 25 6575 Days 01:33:55
Shadow xs 108 1 out of 6 103 6556 Days 23:19:03
Shift Poker Solitaire 16850 1 out of 8 59 6583 Days 03:02:03
Shotgun: Defend The Flag 33 10 out of 11 213 6110 Days 06:37:50
Shuriken Challenge 2360 1 out of 8 86 6574 Days 23:10:15
Simon 13 9 out of 22 84 6422 Days 03:56:03
Snake 1260 7 out of 24 291 6421 Days 15:36
Snow Boarding 12169 1 out of 18 110 6411 Days 10:43:19
Snow Storm 433 3 out of 8 70 6259 Days 03:03:17
Snowboard 26444 2 out of 46 185 6360 Days 02:56
Snowboarding 221 1 out of 19 68 5383 Days 12:26:54
Solitaire Golf SLingo 23325 1 out of 3 344 5387 Days 03:49:34
Sonic 3050 14 out of 14 70 5842 Days 15:04:03
Sonic bowling 5700 1 out of 5 66 6299 Days 23:16:49
Sonic lost in Mario World 34 1 out of 12 45 6570 Days 22:43:15
Space Invaders N/A N/A 25 6417 Days 02:32:05
Spear Toss 528 5 out of 123 2645 6194 Days 04:07:01
Speedy Thief 1928 2 out of 9 114 6576 Days 01:24:01
Spy Hunter 6000 1 out of 5 25 6582 Days 07:24:44
Stans Ski Jumping 112 1 out of 16 114 6582 Days 20:31:18
Street Drifting N/A N/A 42 6513 Days 19:29:53
Street Racer 169903 3 out of 22 88 5998 Days 14:27:25
Summer Games 67334 3 out of 9 147 6550 Days 21:04:55
Super Bean Bag Toss 18425 1 out of 18 108 6584 Days 20:21:50
Super Mario Capeglide N/A N/A 32 N/A
SuperMario Rampage 211170 1 out of 16 89 6528 Days 22:01:17
Table Football 1178 1 out of 6 78 6235 Days 20:03:43
Tanks 128250 5 out of 5 34 6582 Days 02:06:35
Ten Pin Bowling 161 2 out of 10 396 5404 Days 01:31:12
Tetris 28710 8 out of 31 394 6497 Days 22:25:01
Tetris 2 2557 7 out of 29 152 5532 Days 08:28:14
Tic Tac Toe 189 4 out of 15 70 5542 Days 08:40
Tire Toss 444 5 out of 122 3781 6607 Days 50:14
Tower Blaster 32594 2 out of 19 325 4584 Days 03:42:34
Tower Construction 12277 1 out of 6 131 6585 Days 10:17:49
Track Mania 73829 1 out of 14 100 6582 Days 02:52:43
Treasure Pyramid 142610 3 out of 6 118 6417 Days 21:22:50
Ultimate Football 12600 1 out of 5 223 6586 Days 09:04:47
UrbanSlug 6 7 out of 11 318 4683 Days 01:31:36
USSR Ping Pong 44 1 out of 10 166 6593 Days 22:45:14
Warped Tour Massacre 41500 4 out of 5 47 6366 Days 18:35:56
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire 1000 14 out of 20 100 6598 Days 01:43:33
WipeOut 76408 1 out of 6 57 6556 Days 23:55:29
WRX Racing 2 90 4 out of 17 77 6399 Days 08:44:33
XBall 280 9 out of 9 36 6585 Days 07:22:17
Yahtzee 193 8 out of 14 93 6456 Days 03:20:07
Yeti 1 Greece 1466 2 out of 25 460 6449 Days 20:18:29
Yeti 6 - Big Wave N/A N/A 36 N/A
Yeti Long Shot: Porpoheus 1224 2 out of 93 4372 6606 Days 06:36:50
Yeti Pentathlon 2955 1 out of 21 186 6408 Days 03:42:38
Yeti Puzzlekick 105700 3 out of 12 72 6457 Days 02:40:12
Yeti Sports: Stagedive 45 3 out of 21 271 6449 Days 09:14:38
Yeti Strikes Back 3055 2 out of 13 87 5894 Days 14:58:43
Yetisports 5 - Standard Edition 3408 8 out of 22 331 6446 Days 02:08:54
Zathura - Meteor Storm 3480 1 out of 7 31 6592 Days 19:46:57
Player Details for Kevin90GSX
1st Place Finishes: 78
2nd Place Finishes: 44
3rd Place Finishes: 25
Top Ten Finishes: 70
Total Games In Arcade: 272
Total Games Played By 241
Total Games Played: 68439

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Original © Chris Kelly 2004

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